Saturday, May 26, 2012

Jumping Off Point

I will be turning 30 this July, and even though I always thought that it wouldn't be a big deal and never understood why others thought it was, guess what... it kind of is. It's like all of a sudden you realize that the past thirty years have gone by in a blink, which then causes you to think about all the things you've yet to accomplish and how relatively little time you have left to do just that. On the flipside, I think this realization also gives you a good perspective on what you have managed to accomplish during the last three decades.

Personally, I'm looking forward to the next thirty years more than the last thirty. I think about all the lessons I have already learned, hard parts that I've gotten out of the way, and great milestones still to come. They say that your taste buds mature and shed every seven years, so I suppose that turning thirty is something like shedding your adolescence and growing pains in return for a wiser and more sure-footed approach to life. Part of being wiser is, in my opinion, having a better idea of who you are and what you want out of life. I can't say I'm for sure on either of those things yet, but the picture is starting to come into focus.

At the beginning of 2012, I made a list of things that I wanted to accomplish this year. Some I'm pretty sure I won't get to, but I'm trying my darndest to complete as many as I can.

One of my goals is to sell something that I have made. I bake, but I don't feel like I would get much satisfaction out of selling a scone. I crochet, but... meh. This past year I started drawing. While I'm no 'artist' just yet, it is something that I have grown to take pride in and feel that some of my pieces are worthy of a few bucks to an admiring fan. My first step was digitizing some of my drawings, which I did at the public library for FREE (take that Kinkos, who wanted to charge me 89 cents per sheet to scan plus a handling fee!). Next, I cleaned them up in Photoshop, started a DeviantART account to get the word out, and am well on my way to opening up an Etsy store. Whew! This is more work than I thought it would be, but I'm sure it will be well worth it.

More to come on all of that, but for now... happy trails, to you... until we meet again!